STUCCO repair
Stucco Painting
We offer a cost effective solution for our clients to update their home/business exterior. We always invest our time to prepare the job site appropriately. This is our most important step to make sure that the work surface is clean for paint and that surrounding areas are protected. Standard process is a 2 coat application with a plasticized paint so that your updated stucco is water impermeable. We have experts that deal exclusively with our repair services because quality is always our first priority.
Parging is a service that we offer to improve the aesthetic appeal of your surface level foundation and it does provide functionality in terms of acting as a moisture barrier. There is a very specific process that we follow in order to produce a very high end result that will improve the overall look of your home.
Woodpecker Repair
The Northern Flicker, a protected species of woodpecker, causes a lot of damage to EIFS systems every year in Alberta. These birds tend to bore holes in exterior walls and EIFS foam which make your home vulnerable to moisture damage. Weststar offers services to repair and also prevent woodpecker hammering. We have a few systems that we use depending on the situation but we always make sure to use a solution that is best suited for the circumstance. Woodpeckers can be frustrating for home owners and with our full range of services, there is more than one option that you can explore.

Woodpecker Systems
\\ Dryvit ShieldIt™ Base Coat
\\ EIFS Armour Mesh
\\ Isolated Patch Repairs
Stucco/Siding Removal
Removing stucco siding can be a long, tedious and labour intensive process due to the fact that it is such a durable cement. Even poorly applied stucco does not come off as easily as it may seem. However, when done correctly, it can make the process a whole lot easier. Additionally, you want to ensure that the old siding is removed properly so that your new application has a good substrate to adhere to. This is why we have experts on our team that offer our removal services for every type of exterior finish. If you are interested in remodelling your home or have a business that may need an updated look, we can assist by helping you prepare in the early stages of your exterior renovation.